Professor em. Dr. Wolfgang Glatzer

"Glatzer Rose"

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main

Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Institut für Gesellschafts- und Politikanalyse

Forschungsschwerpunkt Sozialstruktureller und kultureller Wandel

Recent English Publications

  • Glatzer Wolfgang (2019)
    History and Politics of Well-being in Europe.
    Springer Briefs- in Well-being and Quality of Life-Research. Springer International Publishing Switzerland
  • Glatzer Wolfgang, Kohl Jürgen (2017)
    The History of Well-being in Europe.
    In: Estes Richard J., Sirgy M. Joseph (ed.) (2017) The Pursuit of Human Well-Being - The Untold Global History. Springer
  • Glatzer Wolfgang, Zapf, Wolfgang (2016)
    The Spread of Social Indicators- and Quality of Life-Research in Germany and Europe.
    In: Maggino, Filomena (ed.) (2016) A Life Devoted to Quality of Life - Festschrift in Honor of Alex C. Michalos. Springer p .195- 208
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang; Kohl, Jürgen (2015). The History of Well-Being in Europe. In: Estes, Richard and Sirgy, Joseph M. (2015): Pursuit of Human Wellbeing. The Untold Global History. Springer Publishing Company, Cham
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang; Zapf, Wolfgang (2015). Quality of Life-Research in Germany and Europe: An Overview in Honour of Alex Michalos. In: Maggino, Filomena. (ed.) (2015). A Life Devoted to Quality of Life. Social Indicators Research Series Nr. 60. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang and Camfield, Laura; Moller, Valerie; Rojas, Mariano (2015). Global Handbook of Quality of Life – Exploration of Well-being of Nations and Continents. Springer, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2015). Monitoring and Analysing Quality of Life – An Introduction. In: Glatzer, Wolfgang and Camfield, Laura; Moller, Valerie; Rojas, Mariano (2015): Global Handbook of Quality of Life – Exploration of Well-being of Nations and Continents. Springer, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London, pp 1-14
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang Worries and Pain - The Dark Side of Quality of Life. In: Glatzer, Wolfgang and Camfield, Laura; Moller, Valerie; Rojas, Mariano (2015): Global Handbook of Quality of Life – Exploration of Well-being of Nations and Continents. Springer, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/New York/London pp 855-868
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2014). Contributions to Encyclopedia of Wellbeing and Quality of Life: Affect Balance Scale (with Jennifer Gulyas) Andorka, Rudolf (with Zsolt Spéder)
    Cantril Self-Achoring Striving Scale (with Jennifer Gulyas)
    German Social Reporting (with Gert G. Wagner)
    Germany Wellbeing and Illbeing: Names and Naming (with Jennifer Gulyas)
    Worries (with Jennifer Gulyas)

    Alltogether in: Alex Michalos (ed.) (2014). Encyclopedia of Wellbeing and Quality of Life. Springer, Dordrecht
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2013): Seven Fundamentals. In: Bormans, Leo (Ed.) (2013): The World Book of Love. Lannoo, Tielt/Belgium

More English Publications

  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2012). Cross-National Comparisons of Quality of Life in Developed Nations, Including the Impact of Globalization, In:Land, Kenneth C., Michalos, Alex C. and Sirgy, M. Joseph (eds.), Handbook of Social Indicators and Quality of Life Research. Dordrecht, Netherlands
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2011). Find your own Quastenflosser! In:Bormans, Leo (eds.), 2011: The World Book of Happiness. Lanoon, p. 74-77
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang/ Hallein-Benze, Geraldine/ Weckemann, Sara (2010). Social Cohesion in Germany, In: The Tocqueville Review, Vol. XXXI, N. 1/2010, p. 41-70
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2008). Well-being: perception and measurement. In:Council of Europe (2008):Well-being for all. Concepts and tools for social cohesion. p. 99 – 118 (en francais "perception et mesure du bien-etre", p. 101-122)
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2006). Quality of Life in the European Union and the United States of America: Evidence from Comprehensive Indices. In:Applied Research in Quality of Life. No. 2, p. 169-188
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2006). Conditions and Criteria for Improving Quality of Life, In:Walenty Ostasiewicz, Towards Quality of Life Improvement. Wroclaw, The Publishing House of the Wroclaw University of Economics, p. 9-32
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2004). Challenges for Quality of Life in the Contemporary World, Coeditor Susanne von Below /Matthias Stoffregen, Kluwer: Dordrecht, Boston, London
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2003). Past, Present, Future of Quality of Life Research, In:SINET Nr. 74 & 75, p. 4-5
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2003). Social Reporting Across Centuries: Longterm Social Trends. In:Isabelle Renschler & Dominique Joye (eds.): Observation of Social Change: Structures and Turbulences. SWII Commission for Unesco, Bern
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang/ Langlois, Simon (2002). Particular and Common Trends in Advanced Industrialized Societies, In:ZENAF Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte (ZAF) Nr. 2/2002
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2002). Rich and Poor – Integrating and Dividing Forces of Societies, In:Rich and Poor Disparities, Perceptions, Concomitants (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publisher, p. 1-8
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2002). Rich and Poor – Disparities, Perceptions, Concomitants (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publisher, 365 pages.
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2001). Happiness: Classic Theory in the Light of Current Research. In:Journal of Happiness Studies, vol 1, no. 4, p. 501-511
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (2001). Sociologists are looking for the „Good Society“. In:Social Indicators Research, vol.55, no.3, p. 353-359
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (1998). Subjective Attendants of Unification and Transformation in Germany, (Co-author Mathias Bös), In:Social Indicators Research, Vol. 43, No. 1-2, p. 171-196
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (1998): Quality of Life in Countries of Rapid Social Change (ed.), Social Indicators Research, Vol.43, No. 1-2, 209 p.
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (1998). Bulgaria searching for a path into a better future - The Human Development Report for Bulgaria, In:SINET x/97, p.1-7
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang/ Bös, Mathias (1998). Subjective attendants of unification and transformation in Germany, In:Social Indicators Research Vol. 43/98, No. 1-2, p. 171 – 196
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (1998). Quality of life in rapidly changing societies (ed.), Social Indicators Research, Vol. 2/3, 97
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang/ Noll, Heinz-Herbert (1995). Social Indicators, Social Reporting and Social Accounting in Germany – A Summary Report on the Present State of the Art, In:Stockholm Seminar on Social Statistics. Invited Papers, Stockholm, p. 103-114
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang/ Grunert, Klaus G./ Grunert, Suzanne C. / Imkamp, Heiner (1995). The Changing Consumer in Germany, In:International Journal of Research in Marketing, (12) p. 417-433
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang (1994). Convergence or Divergence - Comparing Recent Social Trends in Industrial Societies (Coeditors: Simon Langlois, Theodore Caplow, Henri Mendras): Frankfurt am Main/Montreal, Campus/McGill-Queen`s University Press, 329 pages
  • Glatzer, Wolfgang/ Diewald, Martin (1992). The Changing Stucture of Living Arrangements and its Consequences for Social Networks and Social Support, In:W. van den Heuvel, R. Illsley, A. Jamieson,C. Knipscheer (eds.): Opportunities and Challenges in an Ageing Society. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam/ Oxford/New York/Tokyo, p.61-70

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Anschrift:Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Glatzer
 Im Heidegraben 10c
 61440 Oberursel
Telefon:+49 6171 21343
E-mail: Goethe-Universität
Anschrift:Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Glatzer
 Goethe-Universität, Fb 3
 Institut für Soziologie
 Hauspostfach 15
 60323 Frankfurt am Main
Ortsangabe:Theodor-W.-Adorno Platz 6
Gebäude:PEG, Raum 2.G. 127